A smarter app for the smart home
Lights. Power. Security. Now they’re all connected through a single app, so you don’t need a different one for every product. Simple controls allow you to monitor and manage everything in your home. This means it can do more for you, and you can do less. Finally.
Design Assets
Designed and art directed all aspects of the brand from visual identity, app screens, catalog, packaging, photo art direction, to retail endcaps and marketing assets
Designed Wink endcaps at Home Depot, Best Buy, and Target, spanning over 3,600 locations. These endcaps explained how various partner products worked together on the Wink platform.
Designed and produced a marketing catalog that highlighted the unique user stories of Wink consumers
Launch Event
Launched the Wink app with a grand press event showcasing an extensive collection of connected home products on a single integrated platform. We transformed an apartment in SoHo into a demonstration space with a working garage to showcase the products.
Role: Senior Designer & Art Director
Creative Director: Viresh Chopra
Photography & Video: Quirky’s in-house creative team